Our Clinics

Ang Mo Kio

Blk 710 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 #01-2613 S(560710)
Tel: 6554 2918
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Holland Village

253 Holland Avenue #02-01 (Holland Village) S(278982)
Tel: 6469 8938
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Blk 846 Yishun Ring Road #01-3611 S(760846)
Tel: 6257 8980
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23 Serangoon Central #01-54/55 nex S(556083)
Tel: 6634 4918
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83 Punggol Central #02-17 Waterway Point S(828761)
Tel: 6385 8018
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Our Recent Posts below >>

Sunday, January 26, 2025



CNY Eve (28/1/2025) : CLOSED at 1 PM  
(All OneDoctors clinics)

CNY Days 1-2 (29-30/1/2025) : CLOSED
(All OneDoctors clinics)

CNY Day 3 (31/1/2025) CLOSED 
(Except *OneDoctors Holland Village* - 
Usual clinic hours)

CNY Day 4 (1/2/2025)Usual clinic hours
(All OneDoctors clinics)


Happy Chinese New Year and stay healthy!

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Thursday, August 22, 2024



Please be informed that all branches of our clinics will be CLOSED on:


Saturday, 7th September 2024 

(annual company event)


We apologise for any inconveniences.



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Friday, September 15, 2023


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Monday, January 10, 2022

Pre-Departure OR Self-pay COVID-19 tests:

1) PCR Swab Test (results usually within 24 hours, from Lab collection)

2) ART Swab Test (results usually within 1 hour, done in clinic)

3) Blood Serology IgM and/or IgG


PCR swab test - $150 (before GST).

ART swab test - $30 (before GST).

Blood IgM test (Anti-N) - $54.20 (before GST)

*Updated June 2023

Consultation fees are usually not charged if the visit is only limited to travel/pre-event Covid tests.

Available now at our clinics below:

1) OneDoctors (nex)

Find out more here (nex).

2) OneDoctors (Punggol)

Find out more here (Punggol).

3) OneDoctors (Ang Mo Kio)

Find out more here (AMK).

4) OneDoctors (Holland Village)

Find out more here (HV).

You must bring along:
1. Passport and/or Identity card

The blood and swab tests can be done during our clinic opening hours. But please call to make an appointment in order for us to prioritize you for the queue.

For PCR tests, generally the limiting factor is the authorised laboratory collection time from our clinics. The results will be available usually within 10-12 hours from the time the lab collects and receives the specimens from our clinics.

The estimated lab collection times are:
Weekdays - twice (before 11am and before 3.30pm)
Weekends - once (before 11am)

Please plan your appointment at our clinics according to your travel requirements. The test date and time will be reflected on the certificate.

You are responsible for confirming your testing requirements and window period that is in line with your destination country’s regulations.

You are responsible for ensuring that the your email and contact number provided are valid and to request for our help if the result is not received by 24 hours.

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Sunday, January 9, 2022

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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

2021-2022 Northern Hemisphere FLU vaccine

Please update every year or per season.

The following are the groups at risk for complications related with influenza infection and recommended for the seasonal flu vaccination:

 1) Persons aged 65 years and older
 2) Children who are 6 months to 5 years
 3) Adults and children who have chronic disorders of the lungs (including asthma) or heart
 4) Adults and children who suffer from chronic metabolic diseases (including diabetes)
 5) People with kidney malfunction like those on dialysis; 
 6) People with a blood disorder like thalassemia; 
 7) People whose immune resistance is lowered due to medications or those whose immune system is weakened due to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection; 
 8) Children and teenagers aged 6 months to 18 years who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy (they are at risk of Reye syndrome, which is a deadly disease that affects all body organs especially the liver and brain, after influenza infection); 
 9) Women who are in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Health Screening Packages

Different branches may offer slightly different packages. 

Additional tests like chest X-ray, ECG, Treadmill ECG, ultrasound abdomen, Bone Mineral Density scan, etc may be arranged if indicated. Tests specific to women may also be discussed, eg., mammogram, ultrasound pelvis and PAP smear/HPV DNA. Fees are chargeable separately.

Consultation fee or Practice cost will be charged depending on case to case basis.
All fees mentioned, if any, are NOT inclusive of GST.

You can generally walk in for the tests and there is no need for prior appointments unless there are special requests. 
You need to fast for about 10 hours before the tests. 

You may wish to call the individual clinics for details and appointments.
Please see below for the SAMPLE packages:

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Thursday, February 18, 2021

We are always looking for people with pleasant personality and positive attitude to join our ranks.


Doctors - full time or regular locum

Clinic Assistants - full time or regular part time

Please email to:


1) Personal particulars and address

2) CV and any supporting documents

3) Position interested in

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Wednesday, November 11, 2020


With effect from 1 November 2020,

all childhood vaccinations under the 

National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) is



for Singaporean children 

at CHAS GP clinics. 

Vaccinations against flu and chicken pox 

have also been newly added to the NCIS.

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Saturday, October 10, 2020

 Updates on National Adult Immunisation Schedule

The National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) was initiated in 2017 in Singapore, in
recognition of the need for active prevention of disease amongst specific groups within our adult population. These groups of Singaporeans are eligible to utilise their Medisave funds to defray the cost of these vaccinations.

From November 2020, the Ministry of Health is going one step further in providing subsidies for these Singaporeans, so that their overall cost of taking these vaccinations (whether through Medisave deductions, or out-of-pocket payments) is further reduced.

Please see below for the outline of the NAIS:

(adapted from MOH website, https://www.moh.gov.sg/resources-statistics/nationally-recommended-

Feel free to drop by any of our clinics to allow our doctors to assess, and recommend if you would
benefit from taking any of the above mentioned vaccines.

What's more, from 1st November 2020, the Ministry of Health will provide subsidies for ADULT vaccinations at authorised clinics for all Singaporeans. Speak to your OneDoctors clinic to find out more.

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 Updates on National Childhood Immunisation Schedule

The National Childhood Immunisation Programme (NCIP) in Singapore began in the 1950s, starting with BCG immunisation (against TB) and progressively including more and more illnesses of public health concern over the years.

The National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) currently stipulates the required and recommended vaccinations for all children residing in Singapore up to the age of 18 years old, whereafter the National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS) takes over.

From time to time, the Ministry of Health reviews the NCIS, and considers addition of new immunisations to the Schedule, as scientific research provides new vaccines for prevention of diseases, and also to remove redundant or ineffective vaccinations from the Schedule. The most commonly cited example of this was the removal of the BCG booster dose for primary school children in 2001.

The NCIS is to be updated again from 1st November 2020, with the changes as outlined below:

(From MOH, https://www.moh.gov.sg/docs/librariesprovider5/resources-statistics/ncis_table-

Feel free to drop by any of our clinics to allow our doctors to assess, and recommend if you or your child will benefit from taking any of the above mentioned vaccines.

What's more, from 1st November 2020, the Ministry of Health will provide subsidies for CHILDHOOD vaccinations at authorised clinics for all Singaporean children. Speak to your OneDoctors clinic to find out more.

Learn more



Contact Us

*CLINICS*: Telephone / Email

AMK: 6554 2918 / onedoctorsamk@yahoo.com.sg
HollandV: 6469 8938 / 1drshv@gmail.com
Khatib: 6257 8980 / onedoctorskhatib@yahoo.com.sg
NEX: 6634 4918 / onedoctorsmedicalcentre@yahoo.com.sg
Punggol: 6385 8018 / onedoctors_punggol@yahoo.com.sg

For urgent matters, please visit/call the clinic branch directly for assistance.
We DO NOT accept requests for appointments via email.
We DO NOT discuss or advise medical related matters via email.
*Management and Admin (feedback)* Email: onedoctorsfeedback@gmail.com

This FEEDBACK mailbox is intended for non-urgent matters and feedback purposes only.
We thank you for your understanding if there is any delay in our reply.